The agreement
entails paying a large fine and disclosing client
information to the US DOJ. On January 28, 2014 we posted "Offshore Swiss Bank Account? This May Be
Your Last Chance To File A Voluntary Disclosure!" where we discussed that
the United States Justice Department had received 106 Requests from Swiss
Entities to participate in a settlement program aimed at
ending a long-running probe of tax-dodging by Americans using Swiss bank
accounts according to a senior US official. The 106 Swiss banks came
forward at the end of last year to work with U.S. authorities in a program
brokered by the Swiss government to help the banks make amends for aiding US
Tax Evasion.

Barclays Plc’s Swiss unit said it
withdrew from the program after an internal review of client accounts.
The Remaining 96 Swiss Banks
Need To Persuade Their Clients To Come
As we posted on
August 7, 2014, "Swiss
banks have sent US client data to the IRS" where we discussed
that June 30 was the deadline for turning over information on Americans
considered in breach of U.S. tax rules. August 1, 2014 marks
the end of the second wave of deliveries and includes documents that show which
American clients were compliant.
Having met the
August 1, 2014 deadline, some smaller banks will take a break from assembling
reams of documents. For larger companies such as Cie. Lombard, Odier
SCA, Geneva’s oldest bank, and Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich, as well
as for some regional lenders including Aargauische Kantonalbank, the
work will continue throughout the summer as they try to reduce possible fines
by persuading clients to come clean directly to U.S. authorities.
“There’s a HUGE amount
of Information Flowing to the US ... from Swiss Banks ...,”
of Information Flowing to the US ... from Swiss Banks ...,”
Jay Rubinstein, a lawyer with Withers LLP in Geneva...
It all helps the Justice Department
the IRS Build Their Cases.”
Client Names
Swiss law forbids
the transfer of client names to foreign governments, unless requests for information
conform to criteria set out in tax treaties. But banks can send other
information to complement what the U.S. government gleaned from over 43,000
voluntary disclosures by American taxpayers.
Category 2 banks
must disclose:
1. the total number of U.S. accounts since
2. their highest dollar value and
3. the employees who managed them,
in documents verified by an independent examiner, according to a joint Swiss-U.S. government statement announcing the program last August.
Some banks will
try to mitigate penalties by providing documents to the Justice Department by
Sept.ember 15, 2014 to support their claims that they encouraged clients
to disclose accounts to the IRS
through its offshore voluntary disclosure program.
"In some cases they’re providing
Names of Account Holders through a
purported exception to Swiss
Banking Secrecy
or Pursuant to a Valid Request"
and "Banks
are breathing down their clients’ necks to encourage them into an accepted IRS
voluntary disclosure program,” according to Milan Patel, a U.S. tax lawyer with
Anaford AG in Zurich.
banks are being Very Creative about what constitutes a Waiver of Secrecy
Privileges in order to turn over The Account Holder Name to the
Justice Department to reduce Their Penalties..."
Fines will based in part on a formula applied to the amount of non-disclosed U.S. assets at the bank. To gain non-prosecution deals, banks must pay:
· 30 percent for such accounts opened between then and February 2009 and
· 50 percent for accounts opened afterward.
Thus US taxpayers
who have used a Swiss bank accounts may now want to consider applying for the
US Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP), which sets a limit to the
penalties imposed on them by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for failing to
declare foreign assets and earnings.
However, once the
Swiss banks disclosed an account holder's name to the IRS, OVDP election is no
longer available to that account holder.
The US Can Use Swiss Data
for US Enforcement Actions!
for US Enforcement Actions!
The new agreement
makes clear that: “Personal Data provided by the Swiss Banks… Will be Used and
Disclosed only for purposes of Law Enforcement (which may include regulatory
action) in the United States or as otherwise permitted by US
Have Un-Reported Income From a Swiss
for a FREE Tax Consultation Contact US at
or Toll Free at 888-8TaxAid ((888) 882-9243)
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